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Private Rum Experience and Boat Tour

Enjoy an exclusive tour!

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Ages 12+

$ 108.54


Ages 7 to 11 years old

$ 75.98

Enjoy this Private Rum Experience and Boat Tour in Guanacaste!

Explore El Viejo Wildlife National Refuge and its magnificent Tempisque River which border Palo Verde National Park. Enjoy an incredible one hour and thirty minutes boat trip with the chance to see a great number of birds, Howler Monkies and white face Capuchin Monkies, as well as crocodiles and some other species in their natural habitat.

Prepare yourself to experience the whole process of producing high quality Rum from our purest sugar cane. View the extracting and cooking of the sugar cane juice in an artisanal way, until you reach the distiller where you will get the first liquors and highest purity.

Enjoy the end of the tour with a delicious cocktail and the flavors of our lunch, home-made cuisine, traditional and delightful.